Pourquoi boire assez détermine le succès de votre jeûne intermittent

Boire suffisamment d’eau est tellement important ! Nous avons besoin de « l’or liquide » non seulement pour notre santé, mais aussi pour réussir à perdre du poids. Il n’est pas rare que, dans le cas contraire, l’aiguille de la balance ne descende pas. Vous découvrirez ici le rôle de l’eau dans le corps, la quantité que vous devez boire et comment y parvenir encore mieux grâce à notre tracker d’eau BodyFast.


Pourquoi l’eau est-elle importante ?

L’eau joue un rôle extrêmement important dans le corps. Plus de 50 % de notre corps est constitué d’eau ! Ce n’est pas pour rien que l’on dit que l’eau, c’est la vie.

L’eau a de nombreuses fonctions différentes dans le corps. Elle…

    • sert de moyen de transport,
    • élimine les déchets et les toxines,
    • apporte des nutriments aux cellules,
    • régule la température du corps,
    • maintient les muqueuses humides et en fait une barrière de protection contre les agents pathogènes,
    • favorise la croissance cellulaire et
    • assure d’importants processus métaboliques.

Sans suffisamment d’eau dans le corps, tout devient plus difficile, qu’il s’agisse de perdre du poids ou d’être en bonne santé. Bref, si vous buvez suffisamment, tout fonctionne mieux !


Quelle quantité d’eau dois-je boire ?

Il est vraiment fascinant de voir combien de personnes s’étonnent de ne pas perdre de poids, alors qu’elles boivent beaucoup trop peu ! Selon des études, seules six femmes sur dix parviennent à couvrir leurs besoins minimaux en liquide. Chez les hommes, ils sont à peine plus nombreux.

2,5 litres/jour à titre indicatif

C’est justement un corps bien « hydraté » (donc qui reçoit plus que les recommandations minimales) qui est la clé essentielle du succès, surtout en cas de jeûne intermittent !

Veillez donc à boire au moins 2,5 litres par jour. Une autre méthode pour déterminer plus précisément les besoins consiste à calculer la quantité de liquide en fonction du poids corporel. Les experts recommandent alors 30 à 40 millilitres d’eau par kilogramme de poids corporel.

Bien sûr, ce n’est qu’une référence. En cas de températures élevées, d’activité physique, etc., il est possible de boire davantage ! Peu de gens sont capables de boire de manière excessive. Si vous répartissez votre apport en eau de manière régulière tout au long de la journée, il n’y a pas de raison que cela se passe mal.


Conseils pour boire plus d’eau

Nombreux sont ceux qui ont du mal à boire suffisamment d’eau. Les raisons peuvent être très diverses :

    • Vous n’avez pas soif.
    • Le goût de l’Eau ne vous plaît pas.
    • Vous oubliez de boire.

Voici quelques conseils pour enfin réussir à boire suffisamment :

    1. Commencez par boire un grand verre d’eau le matin dès le lever. Cela donne le ton pour la journée !
    2. Toujours placer une bouteille d’eau ou théière à portée de main et boire de temps en temps. Et si la faim se fait sentir, une grande gorgée est une mesure aussi rapide qu’efficace qui fait merveille.
    3. Ajoutez quelques tranches de concombre, de citron, de gingembre, etc., ou, par exemple, quelques feuilles de menthe pour agrémenter votre boisson, même pendant le jeûne.

Pour ne pas interrompre l’autophagie, vous devez éviter de consommer des jus de fruits et autres boissons sucrées. Mais si vous ne pressez pas les fruits et si, évidemment, vous ne les mangez pas, le fructose reste dans la matrice cellulaire et votre corps n’absorbe pas le sucre.


Notre tracker d’eau BodyFast vous y aidera !

Pour vous aider encore davantage, nous avons une nouvelle fonction dans l’application BodyFast : le traqueur d’eau !

Le plus chouette, c’est que vous recevez une recommandation personnelle sur la quantité minimale que vous devez boire. L’application calcule automatiquement la quantité d’eau à boire sur la base de vos données ! Nous travaillons également sur une fonction de rappel.

Vous trouverez le nouveau tracker d’eau dans l’onglet « Moi ». Essayez de vous en servir et adaptez les objectifs quotidiens et la taille du verre à vos besoins, ajoutez vos boissons en un clin d’œil et prenez ainsi soin de votre silhouette !

Il n’a jamais été aussi facile de boire suffisamment !

Avec le Coach, votre plan personnel et des tâches hebdomadaires motivantes, vous vous offrez même encore plus de nouvelles routines pour votre bien-être.

Faites-le pour vos objectifs ! Faites-le pour votre santé ! Faites-le pour vous !

Author: Jenny M.

106 réactions sur “ Pourquoi boire assez détermine le succès de votre jeûne intermittent ”

  1. Donna Réponse

    My problem is my nephrologist says no more than 64 oz. per day! I had kidneys that were shutting down last August, had to go into the hospital. That was SCARY!

    • Jenny M. Auteur ArticleRéponse

      Hi Donna,

      We are sorry to hear that! Our recommendations go for people without pre-existing conditions.
      Everyone else of course needs to speak to his/her doctor first and follow the advice provided bei him/her.

      All the best for you!

  2. A Réponse

    I read one comment that they used the app without purchasing anything and still lost weight. I can’t get past the “coaching plan” which requires a membership with purchase. Am I doing something wrong?

    • Svenja Taubert Réponse

      Thank you for your request! The basic version of our app is free.

      ​The app has a lot of free features, more than most other fasting apps:

      + Choose from 12 different fasting plans like 5-2 or 16-8
      + A fasting timer to track your fasting
      + Multiple notification options to stay on track with your fasting times
      + Track your weight and add notes
      + Detailed statistics on your weight progress, BMI and the way to your goal
      + A large knowledge library about fasting, eating periods and weight loss

      The basic version of our app is and will remain free. If you’re asked in the app to subscribe, you can close the pop-up window by tapping on the “x” button at the top. Afterwards you can continue with the free version.

      • Natalia Réponse

        Hola estoy haciendo el ayuno de 16-8 mi problema es q no puedo tomar el te o cafe totalmente sin azucar lo q hago es endulzarlo un poco con edulcorante trato de usar lo menos posible. Sera q aun asi me da resuñtado?

        • Jenny M. Auteur ArticleRéponse

          Hola Natalia,

          incluso las más pequeñas cantidades de azúcar o edulcorantes rompen tu ayuno. Los efectos metabólicos positivos como el aumento de la quema de grasa, la limpieza de las células y otros se detienen por el aumento del nivel de insulina.

          Así que si realmente quieres ayunar, debes evitar cualquier aditivo durante el período de ayuno. Prueba diferentes tipos de té y café, ciertamente hay algo para tu gusto 🙂

          • Mbser

            We can drink water in the “fasting” time as well or only during the “eating” time?

          • Valerie Dratwa

            Hello Marko, yes of course you can drink water during your fasting period. This is extremely important to keep your body hydrated. ✌️

    • Svenja Taubert Réponse

      Thanks for your request. Sparkling water is totally fine, as long as you don’t add anything to it. 🙂 Pure green tea is fine as well.

  3. Shanna Johnson Réponse

    Love having a water tracker as I have a difficult time keeping track. But, My Water tracker appears to not reset itself at the end of day. Is this normal? Do I need to reset it manually?

    • Jenny M. Auteur ArticleRéponse

      They are not recommended during fasting as they can nevertheless trigger an insulin reaction due to the sweet taste and cause cravings.

    • Jenny M. Auteur ArticleRéponse

      Hi Patricia,

      Yes, the juice will break your fast as it contains sugar/calories. Some fruit slices in your water would be fine if you don’t squeeze and/or eat them. This way, the fructose stays inside the cell matrix and you won’t break your fast.

      Happy BodyFasting!

    • Jenny M. Auteur ArticleRéponse

      Hi Johnnie,
      You actually can switch between ounces and liters. Simply click on the three dots in the top right corner of your water tracker and you’ll have the option to pick the unit you need.
      If you need any further help, feel free to reach out to support@bodyfast.app. Thanks!

  4. Carol Réponse

    If I drink black unsweetened coffee during fasting should I include this as “water” in the tracker, or should I only track plain water ? Also, when in the “eating” part of the cycle should all soft drinks be tracked as if they are water?

    • Svenja Taubert Réponse

      Hola, si es posible, tomes tu medicamento durante tus períodos de alimentación, ya que de lo contrario se interrumpirá tu período de ayuno. Si esto no es posible, por ejemplo, debido a que el medicamento debes tomarte a una hora determinada, le recomendamos que tomes tus pastillas a pesar del ayuno.

      Si no estás seguro de poder cambiar el horario de ingesta, consulte a tu médico.

  5. Jessica Réponse

    HI I have been using body fast for two months now and I have lost 15kg. I have always believed that I could not fast. That I would be too hungry. I started with Keto diet and then tried fasting too. It was not hard. Unbelievable to me!!! I have now done 48 hr fasts with no problems!!! This really was mind blowing. What I have found is that drinking a large portion of water in the morning keeps me from getting hungry.
    I’m so excited to be feeling so good so energized and still be motivated to keep going. It is proving to be the simplest way I have ever lost weight. I have another 50kg to go but this time I have hope I will get there.
    One more thing, I have discovered when I plateau I need to drink more water. For my weight I am having to drink a whooping 4ltrs a day. Quite the challenge in itself!

    • Svenja Taubert Réponse

      Thank you for your positive feedback and congratulations on your success! We appreciate your opinion and are glad that BodyFast helps you to achieve your goals. Happy BodyFasting!

    • ECQ Réponse

      Wow!! Well done!! 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
      Congrats Jessica!! So inspiring!!
      Was good to read you.
      Thank you for sharing 🙏🏻
      I’m on day 2. 2ndperiod of fasting with the BodyFast coach and learning every day 👍🏻😘
      Keep it up!! You are a winner!! 🏆

    • Kirsty Newbery Réponse

      Thank you so much, that’s real life lessons there – drink more water when you plateau. You truly have given me hope.

      • Valerie Dratwa Réponse

        Hello Kristy,
        thank you for your feedback! We are glad BodyFast is helping you focus on a healthy lifestyle. 🙂
        Keep up the good work. 🙂

    • Lisa Rayye Réponse

      Hi Jess,
      Can I call you Jess lol 😉. congratulations Girrrrrl, this is so helpful and encouraging, ur doing amazingly well and U have really motivated my spirit ans soul this morning. I’m starting my second week this morning, your right, I can’t believe how good I feel enegery wise, once you get pass day 4 you’re good to go, u don’t think about eating as much as when you started and your mind feels more powerful because it is proving to you what’s its capable of doing.
      when you step on the scale and see the numbers move its the best feeling ever. I tell myself the only way to get to my end goal is to actually put the work in and no one else can do it for me but ME. These messages have been so helpful, so many questions I had, got answered.
      Thank you BodyFast for your app its been extremely helpful.
      Happy BodyFast this week guys. let’s keep pushing and stay motivated.
      I’ll definitely come back with my success story. ✌️

      • Christian Mall Réponse

        Hi Lisa, thanks so much for sharing your comment! 🥰 We’re really so happy to hear that. We wish you all the best on your intermittent fasting journey. You can really be proud of yourself 😊

        • L Rayye Réponse

          Thank yoy for checking in.
          Whenever I break my fast I struggle to eat, stomach feels full quite easily and sometimes feels alittle sick. After eating and ending my fast, my stomach hurts, right in the center of my chest area. I’m.worrued I might be damaging.my pancreas. Is there any tip to help me with breaking my fast, I only have 1 hr window to eat, its like I’m racing against time.
          How can you help?

          ps. I also have a war. cup of green tea without sugar before I eat and sometimes while I eat.

          • Jenny M. Auteur Article

            Longer fasts can cause your gut to produce less digestive juices which might be the reason why it takes you longer to process the food in your stomach. We share some tips to encounter issues of this kind in our blog post on how to properly break your fast: https://www.bodyfast.app/en/break-your-fast-right/

            May we ask you why you opted for OMAD / 23-1? To be honest, it makes it a lot harder to get in all nutrients your body needs and can also lead to a hormonal imbalance in women. It’s better to spread their intake of protein and healthy fats over at least two meals throughout the day. Of course everyone is different, we just want to make sure you know about potential side-effects and downsides.

  6. RUPINDER Réponse

    How would you assist in calculating calories in Indian foods?are you saying that we dont have to count calories in our eating window?
    Normal two indian meals will do in eating window?what to do if i hit plateau?

    • Svenja Taubert Réponse

      The principle of BodyFast is very simple – you can always skip meals and give your body a break. On the one hand, this results in numerous health effects and, on the other hand, weight loss, which also depends on the frequency and duration of the fasting periods.

      In the eating periods you can basically eat what you want. This is also the advantage BodyFast has over other weight loss methods. You do not have to count calories or change your meals.

      Instead of counting calories or following specific diet plans, we recommend a simple rule of thumb that will help you develop a natural sense of moderate and healthy portion sizes:

      + One full-size portion of protein-containing foods (meat, eggs, dairy, etc.) and a fist-sized portion of vegetables at each meal.
      + For most meals, a hollow hand full of carbohydrates (pasta, rice, fruits) and a thumb-sized portion of fatty foods like butter, oil, and nuts.
      These figures apply to women, men double the amount.
      Of course, intermittent fasting can also be combined with other diets such as low-carb or ketogenic, ie carbohydrate-limited diet.

      • Lisa Rayye Réponse

        Does anybody else find that. during your 1hr eating window, ur stomach struggles to process the food, its almost like u are unable to eat comfortably. its like I’m waiting to eat for 23hrs and then when I finally get to my eating window I can’t eat. is my stomach shrinking? or do I eat less or slowly. how can I find a balance in my eating window?

        • Jenny M. Auteur ArticleRéponse

          Longer fasts can cause your gut to produce less digestive juices which might be the reason why it takes you longer to process the food in your stomach. We share some tips to encounter issues of this kind in our blog post on how to properly break your fast: https://www.bodyfast.app/en/break-your-fast-right/

          May we ask you why you opted for OMAD / 23-1? To be honest, this protocol is not recommended for women for a longer period of time. It makes it a lot harder to get in all nutrients your body needs and can also lead to a hormonal imbalance. Especially for women it’s better to spread their intake of protein and healthy fats over at least two meals throughout the day. Of course everyone is different, we just want to make sure you know about potential side-effects and downsides.

  7. Silva Hartmann Réponse

    Ich habe bereits gelesen keine Softdrinks als “Wasser” zu tracken, schwarzen Kaffee aber wohl schon (entzieht Kaffee dem Körper nicht eigentlich auch Wasser?). Sollte man im Wassertracker sonstige “Wasseraufnahme” in Form von Tee, Saft, Milch oder Suppe erfassen?

    • Valerie Dratwa Réponse

      Du kannst bzw. darfst alle Getränke welche im Eigentlichen zur Flüssigkeitsaufnahme dienen in den Wassertracker mit aufnehmen. Das heißt Tee und Kaffee ohne Milch bzw. Zucker. Abzuraten mit aufzunehmen sind auf jeden Fall Suppe, Milch und auch Cola, Fanta, etc. sind nicht von Vorteil. Bei der Frage, ob Kaffee dem Körper Wasser entzieht, spalten sich die Meinungen. Denn auch Kaffee zählt zur täglichen Flüssigkeitsbilanz. 🙂

      • Jennifer Réponse

        mi sono abbonata al coach ma mom ho capito se c’è possibilità di parlare con il coach o se l’applicazione la gestisco io?
        perché ho sistemato tutti i miei dati ma non ho nessun coach che mi ha scritto o proposto sfide.vorrei capire come funziona

        • Valerie Dratwa Réponse

          Ciao Jennifer,
          Siamo felici che tu abbia deciso di usare il Coach e di iniziare il tuo viaggio a digiuno con BodyFast. Il Coach è un algoritmo intelligente che il nostro team ha sviluppato in 1,5 anni di lavoro. Se hai bisogno di aiuto da una persona “reale” o hai domande sull’app o sul digiuno a intervalli, puoi sempre contattare il nostro team di supporto (info@bodyfast.app). 🙂

  8. Shanti Réponse

    Thank you for producing this app. I was always thinking and told that fasting was dangerous but after research I am now educated to the real facts. I am working through fasting and still struggling to stay on programs but I keep coming back as fasting makes me feel good. Less aches, more energy, weight control and far less bloating. This is motivating! I think that this app has supported some positive changes in my well being and health.

    • Valerie Dratwa Réponse

      Hello Shanti,
      Thank you for your positive feedback!
      We are very happy to hear that you like BodyFast and your success so far! 🙂
      We are also pleased to hear that you were able to educate yourself with the informations and resources we provide.
      If you have suggestions for improvement, you can always contact us.

  9. John O Réponse

    I am doing the 14/10 skip breakfast fast because I think that’s sustainable for me. Would I get better or faster results with a longer fast? I also exercise 12-15 hours per week. My goal is a BMI of 21.


    • Valerie Dratwa Réponse

      Hello John,
      If what you are currently doing, is sustainable for you and works for you then stick to it. In addition, if it makes you feel great and gives you a lot of energy to work out that much – keep doing it. 🙂
      As long as you stick to your routine you will definitely see results! Don’t be too hard on yourself and focus on staying on track.
      I hope this helps you and gives you some motivation. 🙂
      Happy BodyFasting! 🙂

  10. Scott Réponse

    Hello. I’ve started using the paid version of the app and – so far so good!

    I was wondering however, is drinking sparkling water ok during fasting as an alternative to still water? I can drink still water however I find drinking sparkling water more easier to drink as it’s not so … boring? I hope this makes sense. Thank you 😊

    • Valerie Dratwa Réponse

      Hello Scott,
      it’t great to hear that you like BodyFast so far! We can only encourage to continue in order to fully benefit from the positive aspects of fasting. 🙂
      Of course you can drink sparkling water during your fasting times. Unsweetened tea and coffee without sugar is also acceptable.
      Happy BodyFasting! 🙂


    Just starting today. I am not a big plain water fan. I see you can use sparkling water. I assume you should not use the flavor packets (most are 0 calories but I assume have artificial swetners, I never fully read ingredients) ?

    • Valerie Dratwa Réponse

      Hello Kathleen,
      During your fasting periods please only have pure water, tea and coffee without milk, sugar or sweeteners, as otherwise the autophagy process will be stopped. We do not suggest using zero calorie flavor packets since they stimulate hunger most of the time.
      During your eating times you can have whatever you like even though we warmly recommend a healthy diet and lifestyle! 🙂

    • Lisa Rayye Réponse

      Hey Kathleen,
      the first day I started I find that I was drinking only cold water which was making me feel bloated and kind of sick, harder to drink as well. I was desperately trying to make may Dailey intake amount. then BodyFast gave me some tips about drinking tea etc. which was a big big help, the teas count as part of your water intake as well so that was even more awesome. I alternate between mint green tea and plain cold water. I’ve got the water intake covered now. I also measured out how many cups of tea/water I can get from a 2 litre bottle, this way I know 7 cups will give me my daily recommended amount, without wondering if I have completed it.
      suddenly I feel empowered by reading all your messages guys, I no longer feel alone on this journey.
      Thank you all for sharing.
      Lets go BodyFasters. 🚶‍♀️

      • Christian Mall Réponse

        Hi Lisa, thanks a lot for your lovely comment! We’re really happy to hear that. You can be proud of yourself! 🥰 We wish you all the best on your intermittent fasting journey 😊

  12. Ping The best teas for intermittent fasting

  13. Ping 5 Ways to overcome a weight loss plateau with intermittent fasting

  14. Norman Seals Réponse

    Is La Croix, with ingredients list as: “ONLY CARBONATED WATER, NATURALLY ESSENCED” okay to drink as water goals, and during fasting periods?

    • Valerie Dratwa Réponse

      Hello Norman,
      during your fasting times we recommend to only drink water, unsweetened tee or black coffee without milk. Otherwise the autophagy process will be stopped. So please do not drink artificial sweetened drinks like the above mentioned. 🙂

    • Valerie Dratwa Réponse

      Hello Lisa,
      during your fasting periods please only have pure water, tea and coffee without milk, sugar or sweeteners, as otherwise the autophagy process will be stopped.
      During your eating times you can have whatever you like even though we warmly recommend a healthy diet and lifestyle! 🙂

  15. Hantie Kruger Réponse

    I am in my second week of fasting. 1st week I was on 15-9 plan. When I weighed myself I gained 0.5kg, I was disappointed but to my surprise my measurements was pleasant news 3cm off from both my waist and hips. Now I am on the 16-8 plan. I will only weigh an measure myself again by the end of my week.

    • Valerie Dratwa Réponse

      Hello Hantje, well the scale does not always indicate on how well you are doing, measurements tell you so much more. When you are working out, you will build muscle and lose fat simultaneously which does not always reflect in weight loss, however you will see your measurements changing. As it is on your case. So keep up the good work and happy BodyFasting! 🙂

    • Jenny M. Auteur ArticleRéponse

      Hello Ron,

      There is indeed the possibility to drink too much water, which can be detrimental to your health. The “limit” so to say is highly individual, but it’s usually quite high and the probability of reaching it is quite low. You should be absolutely fine when going with the app’s recommendation as the daily target is based on scientific research calculating it based on your body weight.

      If you are unsure please consult a doctor.

  16. Cesar Morales G. Réponse

    I am the kind of guy who eats breakfast in the 30 minute period after getting up in the morning. I thought it would be very difficult to me to follow a fasting plan, but started fasting 16/8 one week ago. I am truly surprised how easy it is following the coach instructions. On the third day I noticed my pants were a bit loose. I feel so great!!! I can lift weights without feeling tired, dizzy or drowsy. Too bad I did not know about fasting before. I really recommend the BodyFast app. Greetings from Mexico City!!!

    • Jenny M. Auteur ArticleRéponse

      ¡Hola Cesar!

      That’s absolutely amazing to hear! Great to have you on board 🙂

      Enjoy your journey and feel free to reach out to us whenever you have any questions or doubts!

      Greetings from Germany to Mexico!

  17. Christine Khanili Réponse

    Hi. HIIT in the mornings and run in the evenings. Is it okay to have a preworkout amino burn during fast just before the exercise or will it break my fast?

  18. Christine Réponse

    Bonsoir, pourquoi tous ces messages en anglais alors le mode langue est en français, je voudrais savoir comment choisir son jeun 16 heures ou 20heures ou trouver cette réponse, j’ai vraiement de la peine a perdre du poids.
    je suis super en forme et très sportive Marche, vélo,, etc.

    • Valerie Dratwa Réponse

      Bonjour Christine, Vous pouvez déplacer les temps de jeûne en appuyant sur les boutons “Modifier les temps” en début de semaine ou même en cours de semaine.
      Ensuite, vous pouvez taper sur une zone verte / orange dans le graphique en barres pour déplacer la période de jeûne ou en modifier la durée.
      Si vous souhaitez ajouter une période de jeûne supplémentaire, cliquez sur “Ajouter une période”, puis sur une zone grise pour placer la nouvelle période.
      Vous pouvez également entrer vos heures de repas afin que l’application puisse mieux ajuster vos heures automatiquement. 🙂

    • Valerie Dratwa Réponse

      Hola Natalia, aquí tiene algunos consejos que puede seguir para el comienzo. ¡Tenga un comienzo fácil! Es importante dar tiempo a su cuerpo para que se adapte al nuevo ritmo. Si es un principiante puede empezar con uno de los planes más fáciles como 16-8, 5-2, etc.
      En cuanto a las comidas: puede comer lo que quiera durante su periodo de alimentación ya que el ayuno intermitente no incluye una dieta especial.

  19. Ping How Much Water Should I Drink While Intermittent Fasting? – Bescord

  20. Afrita Réponse

    J’ai adhéré à BodyFast depuis hier soir et ma 1e journée 14/10 s’est bien passé. Merci pour cette application, elle est chouette! Ça me donne de la motivation et je suis déjà confiante avant même de voir arriver les résultats.

    • Valerie Dratwa Réponse

      Merci d’utiliser BodyFast 😊 Nous ne pouvons que vous encourager à tester les fonctionnalités de l’application, à commencer vos premières semaines et à expérimenter sur votre propre corps les nombreux avantages et effets positifs du jeûne par intervalles. Nous attendons vos commentaires avec impatience !

  21. Ping Top Tips to Gain Muscle with Intermittent Fasting

  22. Stefanie Réponse

    About the lukewarm water in the mornings? I was told it was never good to drink really cold water is that true?

    • Christian Mall Réponse

      Hi Stefanie, yes, we agree with you. In contrast to cold water, warm water gets easily adopted by our digestive system and it can immediately be processed further. It stimulates the metabolism and digestion and is a great way to start the day ☺️

  23. Joëlle Réponse


    I have a question about the water tracker. I find it great and very helpful but it resets itself at midnight, and I am unable to go back to previous days to see how much water I drank. I have tried to see options to go back but cannot find anything. Is it possible to see the previous day’s water log?

    A suggestion to the developer:
    I never sleep before midnight and still drink water after midnight. So at the moment, this is counting towards the next day’s intake. Perhaps it would be a good option for the user to customise when to reset the tracker?

    Thanks for your help.

    • Christian Mall Réponse

      Hi Joëlle, you’re correct. At the moment it’s not possible to go back and see how much water you drank in the past. We thank for your feedback and your feature suggestion. We’re constantly trying to improve the app, so we appreciate your input. Happy BodyFasting! 😊

  24. Steve Réponse

    You say that unsweetened black tea and coffee count towards your water intake on fasting days. During non fasting days,i drink tea and coffee with milk and sweeteners. Does this still count towards your 2.5 ltrs ?

    • Christian Mall Réponse

      Hi Steve, yes, you can count tea and coffee with milk and sweeteners towards your water intake during eating periods but keep in mind that water is of course still the healthiest option. Happy BodyFasting! 😊

  25. julieta Réponse

    Hola. Yo estoy todo el dia tomando mate (amargo, solo yerba). Ademas todo mucha agua (sola). Pero el mate, aligual que el cafe o te amargo no rompen el ayuno… o si? Muchas veces hago ayunod e 16hs y alguna semana me anime a hacer solo cena.

    • Christian Mall Réponse

      Hola Julieta, esto no es un problema, beber té o café mate puro y sin azúcar está bien durante tu periodo de ayuno. Sin embargo, te recomendamos un consumo moderado. Si consumes demasiada cafeína durante el ayuno, esto puede romper tu ayuno. Normalmente, 2-3 tazas al día están bien. Un exceso de cafeína puede hacer que el hígado libere el glucógeno guardado, que se convierte en glucosa, lo que hace que aumente el nivel de azúcar en sangre. Esto hace que el nivel de insulina también se eleve, rompiendo así tu ayuno. Te deseamos lo mejor 😊

    • Christian Mall Réponse

      Hi there, we advise that you don’t take gummy vitamins during the fasting period since this will break your fast. Let us know if you have any more questions 😊 Happy BodyFasting!

  26. Henry Réponse

    Hola … quiero saber si puedo usar eritritol como endulzante durante las horas de fasting … según cierta información científica mo afecta al Ku el de insulina en sangre, puede usarse en dieta keto y no rompe la cetosis … Grcs!

    • Christian Mall Réponse

      Hola Henry, aunque no romperá tu cetosis, sí romperá tu ayuno. El eritritol no contiene hidratos de carbono, pero aun así romperá tu ayuno debido a su sabor dulce. Espero que esto responda a tu pregunta 😊

  27. John Crook Réponse

    If I drink tea without milk but add sweeteners to make it palatable, knowing that the sweeteners will induce hunger but always manage to get over the hunger pangs will this make the fast useless?

  28. Douglas McClure Réponse

    A question concerning WATER intake:
    During my eight-hour “eating” period, if I have 300 ml of milk with my morning cereal, does it count as a glass of water?

    • Christian Mall Réponse

      Hi Douglas, since milk counts as food rather than a beverage, we don’t recommend counting it as a glass of water 😊

    • Christian Mall Réponse

      Hi there, during your fasting period, water (still or carbonated), tea (non-flavored herbal teas), and coffee (black) without any additives are allowed. So we don’t recommend taking apple cider vinegar to make sure to not break your fast 😊

  29. Mike Skov Réponse


    What about sparkling waters is that the same as water and can you drink al the time?


    • Christian Mall Réponse

      Hi Mike, yes, feel free to drink sparkling water, this is not an issue 😊 Happy BodyFasting!

    • Christian Mall Réponse

      Hi Bernice, even sugar-free chewing gum can trigger an insulin reaction and break the fast. Apart from that, chewing gum starts digestive processes such as the production of stomach acid and increases hunger or cravings.

      • Dorcas Okah Réponse

        Hi, i take medication daily for my mental health once a day. Can I take my prescription during my fast period ie would it interfer if I did? I’m doing 16-8.

        • Christian Mall Réponse

          Hi Dorcas, your health should always come first, so we always recommend following your doctor’s advice when it comes to medication 😊 Happy BodyFasting!

  30. Alyssa Paula Réponse

    A healthy diet goes a long way in deciding how well your organs work and slowing down the aging process. I want to stay fit, and I will surely follow the tips you mentioned in your post.

    • Valerie Dratwa Réponse

      Hello Debraa,

      thank you for the nice feedback. We are happy to hear that you enjoy the blog and wish you all the best! 🙂

  31. Pedro Réponse

    Respecto a beber agua: en los 2.5 litros, solo se cuenta el agua pura que se beba? o también se incluye por ejemplo si tomo limonada, infusiones endulzadas en el periodo de no ayuno, consomes y otras fuentes de liquidos en base a agua?

    • Lara Réponse

      Hola Pedro,
      Si utiliza el rastreador de agua, se recomienda que sólo cuente bebidas como el agua, el té sin azúcar y el café como parte de su ingesta de agua (no refrescos, zumos de fruta, etc.). Esto se debe a que los refrescos y los zumos de fruta contienen mucho azúcar y otros aditivos, por lo que la cantidad de agua contenida en estas bebidas es menor.☺️

  32. Marie-Agnès Vandendorpe Réponse

    j’aimerais savoir ce que j’ai payé? pour 3 mois près de 30€
    le coach que vous ne cessez de parler c’est un cout supplémentaire?
    Comme j’ai une opération qui s’annonce, voilà le pourquoi, je dois perdre du poids.
    Je n’ai pas encore trouver les conseils du jeûne.
    Je continue de lire
    Comme je prends des médicaments, comment faire pour les prendre le matin, sans aliments et ne pas occasionner de problèmes d’estomac?

    • Lara Réponse

      Bonjour Marie-Agnès et merci pour ton message!🤗
      Le téléchargement de l’application est gratuit, seul l’abonnement au coach est payant. Si tu souhaites plus de détails sur ton abonnement, sur l’app ou sur le jeûne en lui-même, tu peux volontiers t’adresser à info@bodyfast.app. Un collaborateur répondra à toutes tes questions.☺️

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