Which types of tea and infusions are allowed during intermittent fasting?
Which ingredients break a fast? Here you will find the answers to your questions. In addition, you will learn how the right blends can help you boost your intermittent fasting success.
When doing intermittent fasting, it is important to keep your body hydrated. Read more about the reasons why here.
Tea is a great addition if you are tired of water.
The big advantage: Its valuable ingredients support the effects of fasting:
- Drinking tea helps you to reduce hunger.
- Tea boosts your metabolism, fat-burning processes and autophagy.
- Certain ingredients like for example caffeine provide you with energy.
The best teas for intermittent fasting
During fasting, make sure your tea doesn’t contain any additives that will break your fast. These include fruits, sweeteners (e.g. stevia), or flavors. Here are our favorites:
- Green tea contains catechins and caffeine, which both have an antioxidative effect (i.e., cell-protective) and stimulate your metabolism.
- Black tea comes from the same plant (Camellia sinensis). It differs, however, in the processing of the leaves and its average caffeine content.
- Herbal tea can have different properties depending on the type, but generally has a calming, digestive stimulating and vitalizing effect.
- Ginger tea supports your digestion and immune system.
3 tips for enjoying tea in a healthy way
- Consume caffeine in moderation! Too much caffeine can keep you from sleeping and can release glycogen from the liver, causing your insulin levels to rise.
- Prefer organic loose tea leaves! These provide more nutrients and a better taste.
- Enjoy your tea cold brewed.This preserves more valuable ingredients. And especially in summer, this is very refreshing!
This is how you can boost your intermittent fasting success with tea. A nice cup of tea not only is delicious, but also supports the positive effects of intermittent fasting. Thus you lose weight successfully and support your health and wellbeing.
Need to
Make this comIng week 20 4
window to eat 2 to 6 pm that is
Very good to me
I just recently started brewing cold coffee & tea. Susposedly less acid in coffee, which is better for tummy. I like Jasmine green tea (less grassy flavor to me) and mint tea. Also like “Sweet Dreams” and “Sleepy Time” tea before Sleep. I take OTC sleeping pills at night and would like to stop this routine. I take meds for Gastroparesis, I Suppose that makes me a dirty faster.
Gesundes sowie nachhaltiges Abnehmen ohne Hungern, massiven Sport und Jo-Jo-Effekt ist mittels Intervallfasten möglich! Intervallfasten mit Tee ist eine perfekte Kombination.
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can we drink peppermint tea
Hi Kathleen, yes, you can drink peppermint tea 😊
Ist es auch möglich „Buttertee“ zu trinken? Also z.B. schwarzen Tee mit Ghee?
Hallo Simone 🙂
Bitte trinke während deiner Fastenzeit keinen Tee mit Ghee, denn dadurch wird dein Fasten gebrochen. 🙂
Can I drink ginger+lemon infusion during fasting ?
Hello Sébastien 🙂
During your fasting period you can drink water, black coffee and tea without any sugar. ✌️
Can we drink fruit or herbal infusions with flavourings (e.g., camomile and honey flavouring) or should we stick with the plain infusions during the fasting periods? Also, would you recommend drinking Kombucha during the eating window or cut it off completely?
Hello Cat, 🤗
You can drink herbal and fruit teas during the fast, but without sugar, sweetener, honey or milk, as otherwise the fast will be broken. You can drink kombucha during mealtimes.
Hi, vielen Dank für die tollen Infos. Darf ich denn Tee mit Süßholzwurzel trinken? Das ist ja eigentlich rein pflanzlich, wegen der Süße bin ich mir aber nicht sicher, ob das nicht den Insulinspiegel anhebt? Danke für eine Antwort!
Hallo Maja, 🤗
Während des Fastens solltest du darauf achten, dass du nur ungesüßte Tees trinkst. Durch süße Tees wird dein Insulinspiegel angehoben und das Fasten unterbrochen. Deshalb würden wir dir empfehlen, eher auf z.B. Kräutertees umzusteigen und den Tee mit Süßholzwurzel während der Essenszeit zu trinken.
Ist Fenchel-Anis-Kümmel in den Fastenphasen ein erlaubter Tee? Danke…
Hallo Birgit!
Fenchel-Anis-Kümmel-Tee kann während des Intervallfastens getrunken werden. Dieser Tee ist kalorienfrei und unterstützt die Verdauung, ohne das Fasten zu brechen. Solange keine Zusätze wie Zucker oder Honig enthalten sind, passt er gut in Ihre Fastenroutine. 🤗