18 réactions sur “ Que puis-je manger et boire pendant les périodes de jeûne ? ”

    • Svenja Taubert Réponse

      Durante sus períodos de ayuno, por favor, sólo toma agua pura, té y café sin leche, azúcar o edulcorantes, ya que de lo contrario el proceso de autofagia se detendrá.
      Durante la hora de comer puedes comer lo que quieras, aunque te recomendamos una dieta y un estilo de vida saludables.

    • Christian Mall Réponse

      Hi Johann, during fasting only water (still or carbonated), tea (non-flavored herbal teas) and coffee (black) without any additives are allowed, so we wouldn’t recommend adding cream to your coffee since this will break your fast 😊

    • Jenny M. Auteur ArticleRéponse

      We recommend to avoid beverages containing sweeteners during your fasting period. Also an excess in caffeine can possibly break your fast.

    • Christian Mall Réponse

      Hi Stan, during your fasting period, we wouldn’t recommend drinking broth or stock since this will break your fast. Happy BodyFasting! 😊

    • Christian Mall Réponse

      Hola Hector, no, no te recomendamos que exprimas un limón en el agua porque puede romper el ayuno. Te deseamos lo mejor en tu viaje hacia el ayuno intermitente! 😊

    • Valerie Dratwa Réponse

      Hello Raquel,
      generally we do not recommend to drink flavored coffee during your fasting period as these might contain ingredients that will break your fast.

  1. Cheryl Réponse

    I’m unclear about drinking tea during fasting. Sounds like herbal teas are appropriate, but what about black and green teas without additives? Black tea is my drink of choice.

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