Wie kann ich mein BodyFast Coach-Abo oder meine Probewoche kündigen?

Du kannst dein BodyFast Coach-Abonnement jederzeit ganz einfach selbst kündigen, damit es sich nicht automatisch verlängert. Eine Anleitung findest du in unserem Hilfecenter.

Bei Fragen oder Problemen wende dich bitte an unser Support-Team (info@bodyfast.app) und wir helfen dir gerne weiter.

8 Gedanken zu „Wie kann ich mein BodyFast Coach-Abo oder meine Probewoche kündigen?

  1. Enikő Antworten

    I would like to leave the application forever, and I would like them to return the 29 Euros that were deducted from my card today. What you are doing is illegal! otherwise I will claim my money back legally!!!

  2. Jan de Buck Antworten

    We have got problems with the login of our account, we dont know it anymore. and will cancel the app and the payment. And there no normal mailadress except the info@…..app. But that does’nt work in the normal apple mail. Please help us out.

  3. Emily Antworten

    hello, I would like to cancel the subscription that i haven’t signed up for. And also if I had signed for a subscription, why isn’t this app apart of all my subscription list on the playstore? This is illegal and fraudulent. You can’t just take money from people using the app without permission.

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