Dear guest! Today is the day, BodyFast starts. Be prepared for the ultimate intermittent fasting app 🙂
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How do I get more challenges? Can I repeat them?
Hello, the Coach will present you with new Challenges every week, depending on your progress and goals. Many Challenges will be a little harder versions of the last ones. But of course you can also repeat challenges you liked all by yourself.
So I can add sweetener to my coffee when I’m not fasting? Say I’m doing the 12-8 or the 8-4 phase .
Yes you can, although we don’t recommend using too much of artificial sweeteners.
Hello, how can I reset my coach and start all over again with the fasting. If i abort the week i am getting only moved to the next week 😟😢😢
Hi Evi,
thanks for your comment.
Here’s how you can reset your Coach or delete previous weeks:
+ You can restart your Coach by tapping on the “more…” tab, scrolling down and tapping the button “Reset Coach”.
+ You can delete recent weeks from your timeline by tapping on them and then tapping on the delete-button.
Kind regards,
your Bodyfast-Team
What about using stevia in the coffee? Is that not allowed don’t fasting periods?
Hi Reina, thanks for your comment.
We don’t recommend drinking sweet or sweetened drinks. Sugar and also artificial sweeteners have an impact on your blood sugar levels which will make it harder for you to fast. The hunger during fasting may become much stronger if you don’t abstain from sweetened drinks. On top of that, the fasting periods are supposed to give your body a complete time-out which you won’t gain with sweetened drinks.
Kind regards,
your BodyFast-Team
I moved periods once, and now it won’t let me go back to how the app originally had it. How do I go back to the original?
Hi Jessica, thanks for your request.
I’m afraid that’s not possible at the moment.
We will look into the issue and discuss how to integrate it in future versions of the app.
Thanks for your understanding and patience!
Kind regards, your BodyFast-Team
I have to take Metamucil each morning and it is often during a fasting period. Will this alter my results? I’ve adjusted well to this program and completing week two tomorrow.
Hi Debra, thanks for your comment.
If possible, take your medicine during your eating periods, as otherwise your fasting period will be interrupted. If this is not possible, for example, because the medicine hast to be taken at a fixed time, then we advise taking your pills despite fasting.
If you are not sure if you can change the time of intake, please ask your doctor about it.
Kind regards, your BodyFast-Team
I hope this helps!
I entered the wrong weight when I started. How do I change it? I tried deleting the app but I can’t delete it from iCloud so it keeps all the information. When I entered my actual weight it shows up as a loss.
Hi Sarah, thanks for your comment.
The start weight can be easily amended by changing the very first calendar entry.
+ Go to “Me” (right tab) and press “+ weight”
+ Tap on “all measurements”
+ Then tap on the entry you wish to change
I hope the problem is solved now.
Kind regards, your BodyFast-Team
Hello bodyfast today would have been my 2 week fasting. I didn’t mean to start a new week yet. I am fasting today until 12:30 pm. That when I start my new week. Can you correct my mistake. I’m trying to stay on track. I was so excited that I made it two week already could you put my timer back up. I’m so sorry. My mistake thank you
Hi Marsha,
Unfortunately, there is no way on our side to reset your week or get the old week back. If you want to restart your second week, we would suggest to abort it right now, delete it from your fasting history in the the “Me” tab and start it once again.
For any technical issues, please contact Thanks!
i’m using the free plan and have not been eating right or following my fasting schedule; is there a way to clear my data and start fresh? 😔
Thank you for your request!
You can easily delete aborted or previous weeks by going to your timeline (“Me” tab), then tapping on the week you wish to delete and then tapping on delete week.
Also weight entries can be changed or deleted easily.
+ Go to the “Me”-Tab and select “+ weight”.
+ Tap on “All measurements” and delete the entries you wish to delete.
I hope this helps you!
I had to uninstall the app because of some malfunction in Android 10. I was logged in with my Facebook account. Now I reinstalled the app and I cannot get the data back and neither my Coach subscription. Is there any way to get the data and subscription back?
Hello Florian,
sorry that you had to make this negative experience. Can you please contact our support team ( and report your problem as detailed as possible. They will gladly help you out as soon as possible and fix the problem.
Thank you in advance! 🙂
Hi, how do I delete the overall fasting time Pls? I have deleted the weeks on the coach and the weight but want to delete the overall time and start again.
Hello Max,
Here’s how you can reset your Coach or delete previous weeks:
+ You can restart your Coach from week 1 by going to the settings (“Me” tab), scrolling down and tapping the button “Reset Coach”.
+ You can delete recent weeks from your timeline (under your statistics) by tapping on them and then click on the delete button.
If you need further help, can you please contact our support team (
Thank you! 🙂
Is there a way I can delete everything from the app including overall hours fasting. I have been off the app for a few weeks and want to start over from scratch. I paid for 3 months and I don’t want to lose that by starting a brand new account. Thanks.
Hello Marlena!
Yes, please navigate to the “Me” tab, scroll down to your fasting history and delete all weeks that are listed by tapping on each of them.
You can do the same for your weight and body entries, when clicking on the boxes, selecting “All measurements” and deleting the ones you wish.
If you need any help, feel free to contact our support team:
I failed miserably this week as I was getting invited for 4 breakfast by suppliers. I would really like to have another go at this week (no breakfast for the week). Do I finish and delete to get the same week back?
Hello Kurt, don’t be too upset. That’s life and sometimes unforeseen things happen. We suggest to just continue with you fasting week and don’t look back on what happened.:) If you are following a coach week, it is not possible yet to redo the same week. We are sorry for that. In case you were following a 16/8 schedule without a coach, you sure can delete the “failed” week and just do it again. 🙂
Hi i’m very new to the app and have already finished my first week, but i can’t figure out how to end the week or start a new one. I’ve tried everything but haven’t managed, could you help?
Hey there 😊
On the last day of your fasting week, the app asks you to end your current week, rate it and start a new one.
If you need any help, the best way to get an answer is by sending an email to 🙏🏼