5 Tips to Get Back Your Intermittent Fasting Routine

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In times of home office, homeschooling & co. many people struggle in terms of doing intermittent fasting. The reasons: We feel insecure, suffer from stress and a loose our routine. The frequent result: emotional eating.

Here are 5 strategies for more structure in your everyday life with intermittent fasting:


1) Create a to-do list.

  • Write down all your tasks for the week. This way you won’t forget anything, can plan ahead and check off to-dos you’ve already completed.
  • With fixed days for tasks such as shopping or sports, you’ll also relieve your brain.

2) Set priorities.

  • Mark tasks with important/unimportant and urgent/not urgent. Use colors for this.
  • Don’t take on too much for the day. This will keep you focused and flexible at the same time.

3) Avoid distractions.

After an interruption, we usually need up to 15 minutes to get back on track. Multitasking is not always an advantage.

4) Schedule solid breaks.

Ten minutes of physical activity outdoors, drinking a big glass of water, a little stretching at work, a power nap… These simple measures can change everything for the better!

You’ll work more efficiently afterwards. The same applies to your free time: Consciously plan activities that benefit your wellbeing!

5) Choose shorter fasting periods.

Avoid unnecessary stress just because you can’t keep your fasting times.

Opt for a simpler plan like 14-10, so you can easily find your rhythm and get back on track soon.


This is how to restore your rhythm with intermittent fasting:

When times are turbulent, intermittent fasting can be your anchor. Your plan gives you security and stability.

There is no golden path. Try different things and see what works for YOU.

Find YOUR structure. We are happy to support you in this.



4 comentarios sobre “5 Tips to Get Back Your Intermittent Fasting Routine

  1. Martha Davey Contestar

    Been doing IF for 2 years now… and out of the blue I started to slip and now I’ve gained 15 pounds !! I don’t understand why I was so perfect for so long ….

    • Lara Contestar

      Hello Martha!
      That’s not bad at all! Try to stick to the fasting plans again, integrate sport into your everyday life and eat healthily. If you need any tips, contact info@bodyfast.app. 🤗

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