The Surprising Link Between Intermittent Fasting and Allergies

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  • Studies show that fasting on a regular basis can reduce or even eliminate the symptoms of allergies
  • The detox-effect of intermittent fasting strengthens the immune system.
  • Intermittent fasting corresponds to the natural dieting approach of humankind and strengthens the organism in the long-term.


Can intermittent fasting heal allergies?

It is known that intermittent fasting benefits one’s health. It is interesting to know what effect intermittent fasting can have on allergies. The most well-known basic models of intermittent fasting rely on a fasting schedule of 14 hours or more daily. Typically, you have an 8-hour window during which you can eat, followed by a 16-hour window of fasting. Alternatively, individuals who suffer from allergies can choose to not eat on one or two days a week, or alternate between different fasting periods. The effects of intermittent fasting are rooted in the regular fasting periods during which the body begins autophagic instead of digestive processes that repair cells and break down toxic substances. If we constantly consume food, these processes cannot take place or are impaired.


Why do persons who suffer from allergies react positively to intermittent fasting?

Fasting for several hours at a time relieves the organism during its digestive processes. Finally, the body can attend to repairs as well as necessary detoxification and degradation processes that have long been overdue. In addition, fat deposits can also be broken down. The immune system can regenerate. It is directly tied to the gut and will be relieved when phases of fasting are accomplished. This further benefits the gut flora. The flora is responsible for the quality of the immune system.

Allergic reactions are defined as exuberant reactions of the immune system. In light of excessive intake of inadequate foods and luxury foods, the body no longer recognizes what is digestible. Allergies causes latent inflammation processes, intolerances, and oxidative stress. Oftentimes, our eating habits are connected to overweight as well as increased levels of blood sugar and blood fat. At one point the stressed immune system reacts in the form of an allergy to substances that did not use to be a problem in the past. Investigations of intermittent fasting found that inflammation of the organism went down after a short period of intermittent fasting.


Which kinds of allergies improve?

Currently, scientists assume that issues with allergies caused by environmental or seasonal circumstances can be diminished through intermittent fasting. They also point to improved lung function. In particular, it may lead to significant relief for asthmatics. Many people experience noticeable improvements with regards to allergic reactions as soon as they begin with an intermittent fasting program. It is not proven, whether intermittent fasting program is suitable for asthmatics to begin an intermittent fasting program. This kind of the fasting is not equally suitable for everyone. Intermittent fasting may become dangerous for asthmatics and should only be completed under medical supervision. Many of those who implement intermittent fasting and who are allergic to animals, including cats or dog hair, report about their relief.

Aside from classical allergy symptoms, intermittent fasting can positively impact food intolerances as well. Reduced symptoms improve the quality of life for most people, fighting such intolerances. According to studies, one fasting day a month can already have a positive effect on allergic reactions and intolerances. Improvements can be measured in blood formation, heart health and digestive system health.

A healthy organism gets accustomed quickly to the change in diet. Intermittent fasting for pre-existing conditions, should only be introduced after consulting with a treating physician. It is interesting that allergic reactions and intolerances are turned back into their root causes. Symptoms improve over time. Noticeable improvements often occur within a week.


Wrong dieting habits aggravate allergic reactions

Corrected dieting habits can improve allergic symptoms. The organism depends on an optimal nutrient supply for thousands of complex processes. At the same time, it should receive sufficient time to break down fat, repair itself, or detox. This is not happening in our modern life-style. Irregular food intake was normal for hunters and gatherers. The search for food was difficult. It required them to travel long distances. This means that humankind is genetically programmed for physical activity. This should also be a part of an intermittent fasting program. Seasons may cause involuntary fasting days. The organism adapted to this in the course of evolution. Nowadays, an abundance of food and an increase in poor nutrients is common because of the availability of industrially processed foods. The organism is chronically overloaded. It develops intolerances and reacts allergically to our unhealthy way of life.

Intermittent fasting offers valuable relief to the organism. Hours of fasting will boost every overloaded immune system. Giving up nutrient-poor food remedies nutrient deficiencies. Enzymatic and other processes that got out of hand slowly begin to improve. All organs involved in digestive, detox and cleaning processes improves. It is possible to use voluntary fasting to make up for bodily fails.


BodyFast app for intermittent fasting

The BodyFast intermittent fasting app is an ideal path for beginners and advanced users. The app provides more than 50 different fasting plans and offers the option for a personal coach. A coach relies on users’ goals and progress to calculate an individual fasting program on a weekly basis. Variety and motivation are given by providing automatic reminders. A fasting timer displays fasting intervals. Calendar entries and diagrams can be used to easily check for weight-loss. This way, quick results are guaranteed.

Ready to start your fasting journey? Find the optimal fasting plan, delicious recipes tailored to your fasting lifestyle, supportive weekly tasks, daily motivational coachings, and more in the BodyFast app.

Studies and scientific articles:

30 commenti su “The Surprising Link Between Intermittent Fasting and Allergies

  1. TAMMY WOOD Rispondi

    I would like to try the intermittent fasting but I have questions. A little about me. I am a 51 year old woman who is at least 40 lbs. over weight. I have had food allergies and intolerances that started when I was around 37. Including severe digestive issues. I was diagnosed with celiac disease 5 years ago. So I have been on a very restricted diet for about 14 years. Just recently I have started experiencing perimenopause symptoms including hypoglycemic symptoms. How would I begin intermittent fasting?


    • Svenja Taubert Rispondi

      Dear Tammy,
      thanks for your comment. Unfortunately we can’t give any medical advice. Please ask your doctor about your fasting programme.
      You can read everything about our general recommendations on intermittent fasting at
      Thanks for your understanding.
      Have a nice day!

    • Sonia Rispondi

      Hi Tammy, I hope you are well. Just google “fasting cures celiac disease”. Fasting is difficult, but after you experience the proof that it works, it will become easier. I fast twice a week, skipping 4 meals each time, I drink a cup of warm water every 2 hours while fasting. My fasts are water fasts, meaning I only drink water (not tea, coffee, juice, etc). You need to google “fasting dangers of refeeding” It’s something you need to know about, but if you do short fasts like me, then refeeding is not a problem.

  2. Mandy Rispondi

    “Intermittent fasting offers valuable relief to the orgasm.” … Spelling matters!!

    • Svenja Taubert Rispondi

      Hi Mandy, thanks for informing us about this funny spelling mistake. 😀 I just made a little correction.
      Kind regards,
      your BodyFast-Team

  3. Len Rispondi

    Based on my own experience with intermittent fasting the past two years, I contend that a daily 18/6 regimen actually makes your body hyper-sensitive to food to the point where it generally senses most food as attacking your system. Prior to my fasting protocol I had almost no GI issues or food-related sensitivities. Fast-forward to today, I’ve been dealing with all kinds of mysterious “leaky gut” problems. I was tested recently for 25 different food allergies / intolerance issues and came back as mild/moderately allergic to 15 of those tested, and highly allergic to 7 others. On the plus side, I dropped from 228 pounds to 172 pounds and am very lean (6’1”). But, I would caution folks to be very, very careful about how they approach a dedicated IF lifestyle. You MUST take care of your gut coming out of your fast, i.e. consider bone broth as a starter. Consider a daily regimen of glutamine powder to strengthen your stomach lining. You also should rotate the foods you eat on a 3-4 day cycle. Do not just dump coffee or tea into your empty stomach, for example. Anyway, good luck to everyone on their quest.

  4. Kev Rispondi

    I suffer from seasonal allergies, how does fixing your gut related to my allergies issue

    • Svenja Taubert Rispondi

      Hi Kev, thanks for your comment.

      Unfortunately we can’t give any medical advice. Please ask your doctor about your fasting program.
      You can read everything about our general recommendations on intermittent fasting at

      Thanks for your understanding!

      Kind regards, your BodyFast-Team

  5. Cris Rispondi

    I have a good question-where do you fit all your vitamins and supplements into this schedule-i take multis plus some acidophilus (which sounds helpful to the gut health) and a couple other healthy supplements from time to time. since they are going into the stomach do they need to be taken during the eating times?

    • Svenja Taubert Rispondi

      Hi Cris, thanks for your comment. We recommend taking your supplements in your eating periods, as otherwise they might break your fast.
      Kind regards, your BodyFast-Team

      • Dennis Cho Rispondi

        I have started intermittent fasting daily. At least 18/6 usually between 20/4. I have been on it for just 3 weeks so far and noticed my allergy symptoms better. This bought to my attention if there was a correlation with my IF and allergies. So I Google it and thanks to your article and found that there is a relation between them.

        • Valerie Dratwa Rispondi

          Hello Dennis,
          thank you for sharing this amazing experience with us. We are always happy when user report positive effects of fasting. 🙂
          We are glad that we are able to help you with creating a healthy lifestyle by providing an easy guideline to follow.
          Enjoy and all the best!

  6. R.R.Brahmanandam Rispondi

    I am from AP, India. 77 years old, 60.7 kgs. 5’-4” ht. I got many healrh problems,may be minor. Ostioarthritis, allergy, dementia in starting stage, stents in heart, etc.
    I started intermittent fasting (16/8)10 days ago without consulting my doctor.
    My body weight is reduced from 63.6 kgs to 60 .7 kgs.
    Can I proceed? Can I protect my muscles with the continuation of IF?

    • Svenja Taubert Rispondi

      Hi, thanks for your comment and your interest in BodyFast!

      Unfortunately we can’t give any medical advice. Please ask your doctor about your fasting program.
      You can read everything about our general recommendations on intermittent fasting at

      Thanks for your understanding!

      Kind regards, your BodyFast-Team

  7. R.R.Brahmanandam Rispondi

    Thanks for providing useful information regarding intermittent fasting.
    I think it is not required to consult a doctor to adopt intermittent fasting 16/8 to get rid of allergies but not asthma or diabetes etc.

  8. Brett Rispondi

    I am allergic to dogs, how can I use intermittent fasting to help me. I want to get a dog.

    • Svenja Taubert Rispondi

      Hi Brett, thanks for your comment. It is correct that IF can reduce allergies. Simply give it a try and start with BodyFast. 🙂
      Kind regards, your BodyFast-Team

  9. R.R.Brahmanandam,AMIE, Rispondi

    I have been on 16/8 IF for 10 months. It shows no effect on my allergy. Some OMADs were also observed. But of no use to get rid of food allergy (cough).
    But I continue to fast.

    • Jenny M. Rispondi

      Hey there!

      Sorry to hear that IF couldn’t help your allergy so far. But it hopefully helped with your overall wellbeing 😉
      We recommend to discuss with your doctor if there are further ways besides IF to boost your health even more!

      Happy BodyFasting!

  10. Rob Rispondi

    I am 58 and for the past 30 since moving to the Northwest USA, I have suffered from seasonal pollen allergies. I typically experience runny nose, itchy eyes and lots of sneezing, always mid-May through to the of June. Awful when camping! In April this year I started 16-8 intermittent fasting daily. I only eat 2 meals a day. It is almost July and I have experienced no allergy symptoms! In addition, it has also helped to keep my weight down. I started intermittent fasting for health reasons. But overcoming my pollen allergy was an unexpected and wonderful bonus!

    • Valerie Dratwa Rispondi

      Hello Rob,
      thank you for sharing your success and experience story with us and others! 🙂
      We are happy to hear that BodyFast and Intermittent Fasting in general has helped you overcoming your allergies.
      Now you can hopefully live a sneeze-free life! 😉
      Happy BodyFasting!

  11. Shehu Idris Isah Rispondi

    After the muslim ramadan fast, i observed a great improvement in my allergy response. I strongly recommend IF for general health improvement not only allergies. 👍

    • Jenny M. Rispondi

      Thank you for sharing your experience with us. It’s so great to see all these success stories of people becoming healthier and happier through intermittent fasting 🙂

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