Sucesso mensurável com jejum intermitente

O problema com as balanças

Você conhece a sensação: você criou coragem e pisou na balança, mas mais uma vez não mostra o que você esperava?

Vamos ser sinceros, muitos de nós vinculamos nosso bem-estar a um simples número em um pequeno dispositivo. Porque foi assim que aprendemos. Porque nos dá informações rapidamente. Porque podemos fazer isso a qualquer hora, a qualquer hora. Porque é fácil.

… Muito simples! Porque embora a balança seja sem dúvida o método de medição número 1, a balança sozinha muitas vezes não é significativa!

Isto porque o peso corporal é um fenômeno mais complexo e reflete a soma de componentes muito diferentes e variáveis do seu corpo: Ossos, músculos, órgãos, gordura, água, sangue e muito mais. Tudo isso compõe o número que você chama de peso corporal.

Considerando que seu corpo é cerca de 60% de água, o que é influenciado por inúmeros fatores (incluindo o consumo de sal/cafeína, ingestão de carboidratos, exercício, estresse, hora do dia, ciclo feminino), qualquer flutuação carrega literalmente muito peso. Sua balança não reflete isso totalmente.


Por que somente se pesar não é suficiente

Às vezes nada parece acontecer durante semanas – pelo menos não na balança. Talvez isso aconteça em seu corpo! Enquanto isso, você pode ter criado músculos e perdido gordura sem que isso se refletisse em seu peso corporal. E este mesmo fato abre a porta para outras formas de medir seu sucesso!

Isto não significa que você deve jogar sua balança fora na próxima oportunidade. Não é um dispositivo abismalmente diabólico, nem é um mentiroso infame. Mas só fornece metade da verdade. É cego para outros aspectos tão importantes como o peso. Você simplesmente não consegue ver o óbvio.

Então por que devo medir?

Portanto, o peso deve ser apenas uma informação sobre seu corpo. Se a saúde é um quebra-cabeça de 20 peças, então o peso corporal é apenas uma delas. Portanto, devemos tentar completar o quebra-cabeça. E dessa forma, medir outras partes do corpo é um passo promissor. E você também não precisa de equipamento sofisticado para isso, qualquer um pode fazê-lo: usando uma simples fita métrica.

A medição permite que você veja e documente as mudanças em seu corpo, mesmo que a balança esteja parada ou supostamente louca. Você pode ver com que rapidez e especialmente onde você perde gordura. Nem mesmo uma balança de gordura corporal pode fazer isso, porque não consegue diferenciar entre gordura “boa” (sob a pele) e “ruim” (no abdômen).

É claro que somente as medidas ainda não lhe dizem nada sobre a composição exata de seu corpo, mas isso também é uma questão complexa. Entretanto, medidas decrescentes com o mesmo peso são uma indicação de que você ganhou massa muscular ao mesmo tempo em que perdeu gordura. No futuro, você medirá seu progresso em centímetros ao invés de quilos.


Como medir corretamente


É melhor medir as partes do seu corpo cujas alterações você deseja acompanhar. Tórax, cintura e quadris são mais ou menos padrão, braços e coxas são uma adição útil. É exatamente por isso que integramos esses valores em nosso aplicativo.

Como com as balanças, o mesmo se aplica aqui: Menos é mais! Meça-se apenas 1-2 vezes por mês, de preferência sempre sob as mesmas condições: pela manhã ou entre refeições, não diretamente após as refeições, e sem roupa ou sempre com a mesma roupa.

E por mais estúpido que pareça, escreva os valores! Esta é a única maneira de acompanhar seu progresso ao longo do tempo. É por isso que construímos a nova funcionalidade em nosso aplicativo BodyFast. Então tudo que você precisa é de uma fita métrica, que deve ser macia e flexível. Recomendamos esta fita métrica corporal:

E vá em frente! Fique de pé relaxado diante de um espelho, mantenha suas pernas fechadas e respire normalmente. É ainda melhor se um amigo, parceiro ou membro da família lhe der uma mão. É melhor trabalhar de cima para baixo. Não coloque a fita métrica muito apertada ou muito frouxa e meça apenas um lado de seu corpo de cada vez.


Os pontos de medição

Parte superior do braço

Meça a parte superior do braço no ponto mais largo a meio caminho entre o cotovelo e a articulação do ombro.


Meça o busto no ponto mais largo. Sob as axilas para a maioria dos homens e na linha dos mamilos para a maioria das mulheres.


Meça a cintura no ponto mais estreito, cerca de 2-5 cm acima do umbigo. Feche suas pernas, exale suavemente e meça o valor no final da exalação.


Feche as pernas e os quadris devem estar nivelados com os ossos pélvicos – no ponto mais largo.


Medir a coxa no ponto mais largo, a meio caminho entre o joelho e o quadril.


Medindo o sucesso corretamente – O que realmente conta

Agora você pode estar se perguntando: minhas medidas são normais? SIM, É CLARO! Assim como o IMC não é muito significativo – porque não faz justiça à diversidade humana – cada pessoa tem uma forma corporal diferente. Uma comparação com outros não é, portanto, nem possível nem necessária!

Você provavelmente está se esforçando para atingir um certo peso-alvo ou algum suposto tamanho ideal. Nós lhe dizemos: você não precisa ter isso como foco.

Mas podemos fazer uma pergunta: É realmente o número que realmente conta no final? Alguns números deixarão você feliz para sempre? Dificilmente! Trata-se muito mais de perceber conscientemente a mudança em seu corpo e experimentar seu progresso pessoal – literalmente “de perto e pessoal” através da medição.

O sucesso não é medido apenas em quilos ou centímetros. O sucesso é quando você está orgulhoso de si mesmo e de seu desenvolvimento e se sente confortável em sua própria pele!


Comece o jejum intermitente com o aplicativo BodyFast agora!

Experimente e baixe o aplicativo agora!


Author: Jenny M.

51 comentários em “Sucesso mensurável com jejum intermitente

  1. Joanna Responder

    Thanks for this article. I’m following a method based on BMR (the just cut it method), 7th month now, and I’m halfway through. I knew that I there would come day, when I will stop losing pounds so I wanted to check my body composition. I have downloaded your app and it’s the best 🙂

    • Jenny M. Autor do artigoResponder

      Hi Joanna,
      Thank you for your feedback and congratulations on your successes!
      What might also help to overcome a plateau is to vary your weekly plan a bit to avoid habituation and be more effective.
      Keep going, you’re on the right track 😉

    • Svenja Taubert Responder

      Hi Shannon, thanks for your feedback.
      When losing weight, body fat is broken down evenly across the body, so you will definitely also get rid of back and belly fat.
      Kind regards, your BodyFast-Team

        • Ernestina Responder

          Thank you. I’ll get a measuring tape for my thighs, arms and hips and record accordingly. I’m also getting an electronic/needle bathroom scale for good measure. I’ll weigh myself twice a month as prescribed. I’m happy with my diet & app. Never thought I’d enjoy drinking water! Now my body’s full before I eat to break fast & I don’t stuff it 😀

  2. Amélia Responder

    I have done intermittent fasting for 4 weeks now with no sugar rash, over eating, compensating or so on and I have experienced no change on the scale. Am I the only one? I would like to read other people’s similar experience to decide if it is worth continuing.

    • Quirin Salomon Responder

      Hi Amélia,

      It often takes some weeks until the body adjusts itself to the new eating habit of intermittent fasting. Therefore it is possible that you don’t lose weight in the first weeks. That differs from person to person.
      Do not doubt yourself or give in!

      I have a few tips for you:

      + If you didn’t lose weight, you should consider prolonging your fasting hours or fasting more often. That’s what our Coach does – he adjusts your fasting plans according to your goals and progress. But you can also choose a different week plan manually.
      + Intermittent fasting is no fast “wonder diet” which often leads to a yo-yo effect. It is a long-term change of your eating habits. That’s why weight loss can take some time.
      + In the eating periods you shouldn’t overeat – or eat more than you would usually eat without fasting.
      + If you have acute food cravings: stay active, go for a walk, meet friends and drink lots of water (two glasses are recommended).
      + You should avoid sugar and sweetened drinks also in the eating periods. If you really want to eat sugar, then directly after a larger meal, to let your blood sugar regulate itself better. This also reduces the hunger during fasting periods.
      + Sports are fine as well! Try to move while your fasting as this is very efficient with regard to fat burn! But please take care of yourself because your energy level might be lower.

      On top of that please do not focus too much on the number you see on the scales. Your body weight alone is not meaningful and adequate to track your success.
      + It could for example be changes with regard your water household that indicate a weight gain (even if you lost fat).
      + Additionally, training people gain muscles and loose fat at the same time. As muscles are heavier than fat you will see a climbing number on the scales even though you lost fat.
      + Measure your hips, waist and thighs, enter the figures in the app statistics and track them over time. These numbers are much more meaningful as they show you if and where you lost fat.

      I hope that this info helps you a bit to go on and believe in yourself!

      Kind regards,

      Your BodyFast-Team

  3. EUGENIA TORRES Responder


    • Jenny M. Autor do artigoResponder

      Hola Eugenia y bienvenidos a BodyFast!
      Dependiendo de la región en la que vivas, puede haber otras opciones de pago, como tarjetas de crédito prepagadas. Visita el App Store para más información. Te deseamos todo lo mejor para tu viaje de ayuno 🙂

  4. JOHNSON Angela Responder

    Where do I go in the app to see the beginning to the end layout. What I can expect in my first 3 months. Is the 3 month design to help me reach my goal.

    • Quirin Salomon Responder

      Hi Angela,

      Thank you for your question on how to use the BodyFast App!
      You can see the overview of your overall progress when you go to the “Me” tab. Also, you can decide with which pace you want to head into your fasting journey. The Coach proposes you fasting plans depending on your goals, your progress and your individual statistics.

      Here, some more info about what to expect from Intermittent Fasting with the BodyFast app:
      The BodyFast app is based on the method of intermittent fasting which means eating with breaks, not more and not less. With this healthy and natural form of nutrition, we give our body the time it needs to digest and metabolize food without being disturbed by a constant supply of new intake. This also gives it more room for processes such as fat burning and detoxification, the intensity of which is increased by fasting. Weight loss is more or less a very welcomed positive side-effect of intermittent fasting.

      And that’s how it works: At certain times, for example from 8pm to 12pm the next day, you fast, meaning eating nothing. The rest of the time, there are no restrictions on what to eat (which is not equivalent to how much to eat).

      So how to get started with the BodyFast app?

      1) After the download, you should enter your personal data and your fasting goals. This is especially important if you go for the BodyFast Coach, an intelligent algorithm which analyses your progress and develops a new fasting plan individually for you each week. Additional challenges and small tasks support you in reaching your feel-good weight and get or stay healthy.

      2) After the onboarding is done, you will see the main screen, where you have three categories of plans with varying difficulties. The difficulty is indicated by the dots:

      Standard: 16-8, 14-10, etc.
      Special: Varying fasting periods for maximum efficiency and to prevent getting used to one rhythm including counterproductive habituation effects.
      Autophagy: Longer fasting periods for maximum effects of autophagy – which helps to cleanse and repair your body cells.
      And last but not least the Coach: The Coach will calculate your individual week plan, based on your age, weight, exercise level, progress and goals. Scientific research about intermittent fasting is the basis for BodyFast. Weekly challenges, small tasks for your health, fitness and well-being give BodyFast the final touch.

      3) Select the plan you want to start with. The fasting times are marked by the colored bars and also listed under the diagram. You might want to shift the fasting schedule by tapping on “Move period” and using the + and – buttons to fit your daily routine. Please note that you can still shift the schedule later during the week if you need so. Coach users have one Joker day each week to take a complete break from fasting.

      4) And then: You are ready to go! Just click “Start Week” and enjoy BodyFasting 🙂

      I hope this helps! If you have any more questions, feel free to send us an email at

      We wish you a happy new year!

      – Your BodyFast team

  5. Lisa S Responder

    Hello! I was just looking over your website considering downloading the app when I came across your articles. Let me say that the information you provide is invaluable. I’m extremely impressed with this as obviously it shows you’re providing more than just another app. You’re providing education. As a nurse, I always want to understand things. Understand why things are or why things happen. You provide me with this and for that, I’m definately going to download your app. You definately stand out above the rest! Thank you!

    • Jenny M. Autor do artigoResponder

      Hi Lisa!

      Thank you very much for your kind words, much appreciated! BodyFast is not like any other app, we strive to make the world healthier and happier 🙂
      Stay tuned for some more interesting articles to be published in the upcoming weeks! You also might want to follow us on Instagram where you will find even more valuable content.

      Happy BodyFasting!

      • Mj Responder

        What are the best ways to use the app and membership? Do you change or add new recipes to the site? I do not partake in Facebook. Is BodyFast on Twitter?

        • Christian Mall Responder

          Thanks for your comment! Our app offers a lot of features: You can select from 12 plans like 16/8 or 5/2 and adjust the times with the plan editor. Features like progress tracking (incl. body circumferences), a water tracker and reminder, a comprehensive FAQ, visualized fasting stages and more are all accessible for free. With your subscription you get access to various fasting programs, personalized fasting plans, challenges and daily Coachings, customized to your goals. You can also access 50+ fasting plans as well as 100+ healthy recipes. Our SOS expert team will provide you with comprehensive instant help.
          We’re constantly trying to make our app better, so I’ll for sure pass your suggestion regarding more recipes along to our team.
          Yes, BodyFast on Twitter. You can check us out here:
          Happy BodyFasting! 😊

  6. Ammar K Responder

    I’ve just subscribed today and I’d like to know if the App provide any information about what to eat daily or provide recipes to make at home. thanks

    • Svenja Taubert Responder

      If you would like to know if BodyFast gives you nutrition recipes – I have to disappoint you. Our app is designed to assist you with fasting. During the eating periods you are basically allowed to eat whatever you want.

      Instead of counting calories, we recommend a simple rule of thumb to help you develop a natural feeling for moderate and healthy portion sizes:

      + At each meal, a palm-sized portion of protein-containing foods (meat, eggs, dairy products, legumes, etc.) and a fist-sized portion of vegetables.

      + At most meals, a hollow handful of carbohydrates (pasta, rice, fruit) and a thumb-sized portion of fatty foods such as butter, oil and nuts.

      These figures apply to women, men double the amount.

      Of course, interval fasting can also be combined with other types of nutrition such as low-carb or ketogenic, i.e. carbohydrate-limited nutrition.

      You find more information here:

      • Patrick Responder

        I have been on your fasting app for 23 weeks and have dropped 16Lbs.
        For the last three weigh ins I have been stuck at 198-201 and cannot seem to make it move like I was.
        The coach adjusts my 14/10 program I have been using and I’m still stuck.
        I have really been trying very hard to control my eating portions.
        Any help would be great.
        Thank you,


        • Valerie Dratwa Responder

          Hi Patrick,
          first of all, congratulations on your success! 🙂

          It often takes some time until you see big changes but do not doubt yourself or give up! I have a few tips for you:
          + Intermittent fasting is no fast “wonder diet” which often leads to a yo-yo effect. It is a long-term change of your eating habits. That’s why weight loss can take some time.
          + You should avoid sugar and sweetened drinks also in the eating periods. If you really want to eat sugar, then directly after a larger meal, to let your blood sugar regulate itself better. This also reduces the hunger during fasting periods.
          + In the eating periods you shouldn’t overeat – or eat more than you would usually eat without fasting.
          On top of that please do not focus too much on the number you see on the scales. Your body weight alone is not meaningful and adequate to track your success!

          I hope this helps you. 🙂

  7. Patrick Responder

    I have been on your fasting app for 23 weeks and have dropped 16Lbs.
    For the last three weigh ins I have been stuck at 198-201 and cannot seem to make it move like I was.
    The coach adjusts my 14/10 program I have been using and I’m still stuck.
    I have really been trying very hard to control my eating portions.
    Any help would be great.
    Thank you,


    • Valerie Dratwa Responder

      Hi Patrick,
      first of all, congratulations on your success! 🙂

      It often takes some time until you see big changes but do not doubt yourself or give up! I have a few tips for you:
      + Intermittent fasting is no fast “wonder diet” which often leads to a yo-yo effect. It is a long-term change of your eating habits. That’s why weight loss can take some time.
      + You should avoid sugar and sweetened drinks also in the eating periods. If you really want to eat sugar, then directly after a larger meal, to let your blood sugar regulate itself better. This also reduces the hunger during fasting periods.
      + In the eating periods you shouldn’t overeat – or eat more than you would usually eat without fasting.
      On top of that please do not focus too much on the number you see on the scales. Your body weight alone is not meaningful and adequate to track your success!

      I hope this helps you. 🙂

    • Valerie Dratwa Responder

      Hello Tan,
      It often takes a while until your body gets used to the change and until you see first results. Instead of weighing yourself you might take your body measurements, as those are a better indicator of your progress. Furthermore, never forget that intermittent fasting comes along with many benefits (regardless of weight loss). So stay tuned! 💪🏻

  8. Pingback: 5 Ways to Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau With Intermittent Fasting

  9. Lisa Wisbey Responder

    I have been diagnosed with SIBO (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Having SIBO is a condition where fasting is recommended to give food time to go through the digestive process before the next meal. Has anyone else out there suffering from SIBO?

  10. Alan Responder

    So true about body weight being only a parr of the puzzle.
    As a type two diabetic after 2 weeks fasting 27/7 I have seen a fantastic reduction in my blood sugar measurement
    I was given another 8 weeks to reduce this figure or my nurse will increase my medication
    One point she did make was you are doing this reduction fir life not one doctors visit
    So onward I go

    • Valerie Dratwa Responder

      Hello Alan, it is great to hear your personal experience with fasting and how well it worked for you! 🙂
      We are happy to support you on your journey and wish you all the best.

    • Valerie Dratwa Responder

      Hola Costanza,
      es estupendo oírlo. Si tiene más preguntas, siempre puede ponerse en contacto con nuestro equipo de asistencia ( Estarán encantados de ayudarle.

  11. Fastinger Responder

    Je fais le jeune intermittent depuis 18 j. Mais depuis 8 jours j’ai des problèmes intestinaux : je vais 3 fois à la selle par jour au lieu d’une et mes selles sont très liquides est-ce normal ?
    Merci de votre réponse

    • Jenny M. Autor do artigoResponder

      Bonjour !

      Il est tout à fait possible que le jeûne intermittent affecte la digestion, de manière positive à long terme. Cependant, à court terme, il se peut que le corps réagisse de manière inhabituelle et violente au changement.

      Vous pouvez essayer de résoudre vous-même vos petits problèmes de digestion dans un premier temps.

      En cas de diarrhées aiguës, vous devez compenser la perte de fluides et d’électrolytes. Les pommes de terre, les flocons d’avoine, les biscottes, les pommes ou les carottes râpées ainsi que les bananes peuvent aussi vous soulager.

      Certaines épices et herbes comme le cumin, le fenouil ou la menthe, mâchées ou en infusion, agissent contre les crampes.

      Si vous n’allez pas mieux rapidement, si vous avez des douleurs, des malaises ou autres, ou si les troubles se manifestent plus régulièrement, consultez un médecin.

  12. Claudia Meyers Responder

    I am starting my 5th week in this program. I did 4 weeks of the basic 16/8. I’m now starting power week. I’ve lost 23 pounds. I lost maybe just 2″ in hips, chest, but I have not lost any inches off my waist, which is my worst area. am I doing something wrong. I feel more energetic and feel really good and I’m eating very well healthy plant based flexeterian drinking lots drinking lots and lots of water.

    • Valerie Dratwa Responder

      Hello Claudia, thank you for sharing your experience and success with us so far! It often takes some weeks until the body adjusts itself to the new eating habit of intermittent fasting. Therefore it is possible that you don’t lose weight in the first weeks. When it comes to fat loss, it is impossible to spot reduce fat on certain bodyparts. Moreover, you will loose fat overall – in some places faster than in other places. However, what is more important that you already feel better, healthier and overall more energized. So stay on track and everything will work out! 🙂

  13. Claudia Meyers Responder

    Love this article! I have been on intermittent fasting for 5 weeks and I just finished my 1st power week. I have lost 24 pounds although I’ve been dieting a few weeks before I started intermittent fasting. My frustration is I have lost maybe 1 or 2″ off my waist but for the last 3 weeks my inches are not budging.
    my waist is my problem area and I’m feeling very discouraged. I eat plant based with the exception of salmon and chicken. complex carbs, fruit and vegetables and lentils and beans. Plabt based milk and creamer. LOTS OF WATER.
    Am I doing something wrong

    • Valerie Dratwa Responder

      Hello Claudia, It often takes some weeks until the body adjusts itself to the new eating habit of intermittent fasting. Therefore it is possible that you don’t lose weight in the first weeks. That differs from person to person.
      Do not doubt yourself or give in, you are not doing anything wrong! 🙂

  14. Mary Responder

    I’m taking my measurements and tracking them in a booklet. The app is confusing as it it asking the foot measurements of arms, chest, etc. Only the hip was in inches. Is there a way to change these back to inches?

    • Christian Mall Responder

      Hi Mary, currently this is not possible unfortunately but we thank you a lot for your feedback. We’re constantly trying to make our app better, so we appreciate it a lot. Happy BodyFasting 😊

  15. veronica rios Responder

    hola a todos . queria agradecer, estoy muy contenta con la app . Estoy perdiendo peso y acostumbrandome a un nuevo estilo de vida con el ayuno. Hay dias que cuesta un poquito mas pero sigo. Me falta ajustar un monton pero sigo . gracias.

  16. Ullrike Responder

    Ich habe die App seit 2 Wochen, aber nur die Messungen Hüfte und Taille. Muss ich die App nochmal laden, um die anderen Messungen zu haben? Und fange ich dann wieder von vorne an oder werden meine Erfolge gespeichert?

    • Jenny M. Autor do artigoResponder

      Hi Ullrike!

      Die anderen Messwerte kannst du ganz einfach “sichtbar” machen, wenn du die App öffnest, auf den “Ich”-Tab klickst und dann das Fragezeichen im Eck oben links anklickst. Dann öffnet sich eine Seite, auf der du auswählen kannst, welche Maße dir angezeigt werden sollen. Jeder neue Eintrag wird mit dem jeweiligen Datum verknüpft, sodass die Werte in chronologischer Reihenfolge gespeichert werden.

      Solltest du noch Fragen haben, schreib doch gerne eine E-Mail an unseren Kundenservice:

    • Christian Mall Responder

      Hi Gita, the most important thing to remember is to not feel discouraged by this. It’s completely normal that it might take your body some time to get used to intermittent fasting. Please note that losing weight is only one out of many factors to measure success. Another idea is to take measurements of your body at different areas to track changes in circumference. You might also notice that your sleep or skin improved. Last but not least, the following blog article contains some more info for your regarding this topic: We wish you all the best on your intermittent fasting journey! Happy BodyFasting 😊

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