Intermittent Fasting – Top Tips To Break Your Fast


Intermittent fasting involves alternating periods of eating and fasting. Often we focus on our fasting period, after all, our bodies do wondrous things during these hours. But especially after long periods of fasting, it is also important to focus on WHAT we eat afterwads.

In this blog article, you’ll learn why the first meal of your eating window is crucial and how you can positively influence your fasting success.


Why your digestive organs react more sensitively after fasting

Your body goes through different phases during intermittent fasting:

  • Blood sugar levels normalize,
  • insulin levels drop,
  • your metabolism switches from burning sugar to burning fat,
  • the autophagy effect is increased, your body cleans itself.

In this process, your digestive organs also take a break. They are no longer constantly running at full speed, but can save energy during meal breaks. They do this, for example, by producing fewer digestive enzymes. Insulin sensitivity also increases, which makes your body react more strongly to sugar from carbohydrate-containing foods than it would otherwise.

During moderate fasting periods of 14 to 20 hours, these effects are moderate. But after fasting periods of 24 hours or more, your digestive organs may react more sensitively than usual.

As a general rule, long fasts (over 20h) should only be undertaken by healthy and experienced fasters. If you abstain from food for more than 48 hours, we recommend the accompaniment of a doctor, because then you leave the terrain of intermittent fasting!


How to gently get your body used to food again

After a longer abstinence from eating, it is important to gently re-accustom your body to food intake. If you eat too fast, too much, and/or the “wrong” things, there can be unpleasant consequences.

For example, a plate of pasta, pizza or other carb bombs will cause your blood sugar to shoot up immediately. It then drops just as rapidly, which can lead to cravings. In addition, the lower levels of digestive enzymes can cause food to remain in your gut longer. Nausea, bloating and diarrhea are often the results.

Break your fast the right way with these tips:

1. Drink enough water

This is crucial not only during fasting, but also when it is time to go back to eating. Make sure to start your meal time well hydrated, and make sure you stay hydrated after you break your fast. The first step: start your eating period with a large glass of water.

2. Small portions and good chewing

Start with a small portion, about half your usual size. If you are still hungry afterwards, you can always add more.

It is also important to chew well and often. 20-30 times per bite is recommended. By doing so, you trigger digestion processes through enzymes in the oral cavity. In addition, you enjoy your meals more consciously and notice earlier when the feeling of satiety sets in.

3. Gentle opening with soups

Broth or soup are a great choice after a long period of fasting. In this way, you not only do something for your hydration but also fill up your electrolyte stores. You also relieve your digestive organs. Foods such as steamed vegetables, avocado, etc. are also very suitable.

4. Combination of proteins and healthy fats

Instead of carbohydrate-rich components, choose something rich in protein, e.g. fish, tofu or poultry, prepared in healthy fats (e.g. olive, avocado or coconut oil). This combination causes glucose to enter your bloodstream more slowly and your blood sugar levels to rise more steadily.

5. Easily digestible meals

In the first 4-6 hours after an extended fast, foods that are difficult to digest are a bad choice. These include nuts and seeds, raw vegetables, cabbage, and very starchy vegetables (including potatoes, squash, legumes, or corn), as well as dairy products and alcohol.

Also note: As you gain experience, your body will adjust better to longer periods of fasting. That’s why beginners and returners in particular should start gently. But every person is different. Pay close attention to your body’s signals.

Even with shorter fasting periods (up to 24 hours) you will benefit from a high protein / low carb meal!

If your head is buzzing now after all these do’ s and don’ts, here’s our secret tip:

6. Get inspired by the recipes in the BodyFast app

Whether before fasting or after, with the special fasting recipes from the app you’ll be able to create nutrient-rich and healthy meals within minutes.

What makes it really special: All dishes were developed by our experts and provided with labels such as “before fasting” and “after fasting”. This way, you’ll quickly find a variety of recipes that match your personal preferences and support your progress in the best possible way.


This is how you break your fast right and thus increase your success with intermittent fasting

Especially after long periods of fasting, it is important to slowly reintroduce your body to eating. If you make sure not to overload your digestive organs right away, you will benefit a lot and feel much better.

The best thing to do each time you break your fast is to pick up right where you left off – doing something you and your health can benefit from. That’s why it’s worth taking a closer look at what’s on your plate – and beyond.


Still looking for the right companion for your fasting journey? In the BodyFast app you”ll find the support you need:

  • Effective fasting programs
  • Fasting plans tailored to you
  • More than 100 delicious and healthy recipes
  • Supportive challenges
  • Daily motivational Coachings
  • Comprehensive instant help and support from our SOS expert team
  • The option to create and save your own plans


30 thoughts on “Intermittent Fasting – Top Tips To Break Your Fast

  1. Rebecca Reply

    Have not eased into eating yet. I’m in week 5. Minimal results. Significant notes my salt, crunchy carb cravings have subsided. When I do reach the portions are small and the “ reaching for “ occurs less and less.

    • Jenny M. Reply

      “Results” are not (only) to be measured by changes in your weight. All changes count towards your successes, it’s worth celebrating them! Go step by step and you will achieve big things 🙏🏼

    • Christian Mall Reply

      Hi Sue, regarding taking medications please follow your doctor’s recommendations. Medications should always be given the priority over intermittent fasting. Happy BodyFasting 😊

        • Christian Mall Reply

          Halo, selama periode makan Anda, Anda cukup bebas untuk makan apa pun yang Anda inginkan, meskipun Anda mendapatkan hasil terbaik jika Anda menjaga makanan Anda tetap bervariasi dan makan secukupnya. Beri tahu kami di jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan khusus 😊

    • Christian Mall Reply

      Hi Susan, we’re sorry to hear that you’re experiencing nausea. It can take some time until your body gets used to intermittent fasting. In some cases, the body may respond with symptoms as you’re experiencing them. But the good news is that such symptoms usually go away after a short time. It is important to drink a lot! Sometimes it also helps to dissolve ¼ teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of water and drink it. If the symptoms do not improve noticeably, please consult your doctor. We wish you all the best! 😊

    • Christian Mall Reply

      Hi there, in order to start the Power Week, just go to the “Fasting” tab, then select “Special plans” and then “Power Week”. If you need any further help, feel free to reach out to our support team under Happy BodyFasting! 😊

    • Christian Mall Reply

      Hi Thelma, in your eating window you’re free to pretty much eat and drink whatever you want although we recommend a diverse diet and eating in moderation. In your fasting window however, we don’t recommend adding any sweetener to your coffee because it might break your fast. Happy BodyFasting! 😊

    • Christian Mall Reply

      Hi Mariet, thanks for your comment! We’re very happy to hear that, you can be proud of yourself 🤗 We wish you all the best on your fasting journey. Happy BodyFasting! 😊


    The fasting is going great but im just worried im not breaking fast with the right foods.
    I have Gluten free muesli with yougurt and berries, (double cream plain yogurt

    • Christian Mall Reply

      Hi there, don’t worry, feel free to do so, it’s not wrong. However, store-bought granolas oftentimes contain a lot of sugar, so if you want an even healthier alternative, you could, e.g., just add some oats into your yoghurt. Happy BodyFasting! 😊

  3. JAN KEMPSON Reply

    I swim 3-4 times a week & cycle 3 times a week & do a couple of resistence weight training sessions a week
    how would you recommend me about doing fasting

    • Christian Mall Reply

      Hi Jan, for you we would recommend some gentle fasting with rather short fasting periods. We would recommend that you adjust the eating and fasting windows so that you can eat shortly after you’ve completed an intense training. Last but not least we would also recommend that you consult your doctor for additional advice on how to best combine your intense training with intermittent fasting. Happy BodyFasting! 😊

  4. Michéle Reply

    Tomorrow I finish my third week of fasting, going well so far! Yes, it has been tough over the festive season, but thanks to the tips on your App, I’ve managed to adjust times & have asked for better option menu without any fuss! Thank you, I’m looking forward to my new me!!

    • Christian Mall Reply

      Hi Michéle, we’re so happy to hear this, thanks for your comment. You can be so proud of yourself! 🥰 We wish you all the best on your intermittent fasting journey! 😊

  5. Anthony Reply

    I find after missing breakfast I am super hungry in afternoon and dinner and eat just as many calories over the whole day – I’m in day 4 of fasting from 7pm to noon

    • Christian Mall Reply

      Hi Anthony, we can give you some tips which might help with the cravings you’re experiencing. First of all, you could try shorter fasting periods and see if that suits you better. We also recommend that the last meal before the fasting period starts is high in protein and fibers. It also helps if you make sure that your body has enough micro nutrients. And last but not least, we always recommend drinking enough water which can also decrease your hunger. We hope this helps you and wish you all the best on your intermittent fasting journey! 😊

  6. Andrew Reply

    Hi. I normally take vitamins first thing in the morning. With fasting am I best to take these at the start of an eating period instead, i.e. delay a few hours ? Am asking this as unsure if taking the vitamins is technically breaking the fast as my stomach is presented with something to work on.

    • Christian Mall Reply

      Hi Andrew, the vitamins themselves shouldn’t break your fast. However, we still suggest taking the vitamins during your eating period for two reasons.
      1.) It’s best if you take fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) together with a meal to ensure that they have the best effect on your body.
      2.) In many cases, dietary supplements contain additives such as sweeteners or aromas which can break your fast.
      I hope this answers your question. We wish you all the best on your intermittent fasting journey! 😊

    • Christian Mall Reply

      Hi Maryjane, since oats consist mainly of carbohydrates, it’s not the ideal choice to break your fast. Nuts, seeds, and fruits low in sugar (like berries) which you can combine with yoghurt or a vegan yoghurt alternative would be a better choice. If you want to break your fast with oats, we would recommend combining it with foods which are high in protein or contain healthy fats. Happy BodyFasting! 😊

    • Christian Mall Reply

      Hi Jane, you can count it towards your water intake but we would still recommend that your primary source of hydration is water 😊 Happy BodyFasting!

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